Living Authentically: Embracing Our Core Values at Multiply Church

I see a vision of beauty emerging within our church family. It’s not fully formed yet, but in the bright glimpses and small pockets, it’s undeniably there. The heart of this vision? Investing in the gospel for the next generation. We’re making strides, significant ones, but there's room to grow—as there always is.

What Are Values?

Values. It’s a word we hear often, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, values are the shared beliefs and principles that we, as a congregation and as individuals, hold dear. They guide our actions and shape our community. At Multiply Church, we’ve identified key values that we collectively place importance on, creating a foundation for our mission.

1. Live Authentically

Be real. That’s our first call to action. We’ve all heard the saying, “Pretense is nonsense,” and it couldn’t be more true. Authenticity is about being genuine, not hiding behind masks of false perfection. At Multiply, we welcome the messiness of life because it is in our imperfections that we find common ground.

2. Take Bold Steps

Next, we value courage—the courage to take bold steps. Boldness means making moves that matter, even if they’re small. From starting new ministries to personal acts of faith, it's about stepping out of our comfort zones and making an impact.

3. Live Intentionally

Intentionality is about making every day count. In a world full of distractions, we strive to focus on what truly matters—our faith, our families, and our purpose. It's not by chance that we find significance; it’s by choice.

4. Act Generously

Generosity extends beyond monetary giving. It encompasses our time, our talents, and our hearts. When we act generously, we mirror the abundance God has given us, sharing it freely with others.

5. Be Compassionate

Compassion is often misunderstood. True compassion is loving and accepting, yet also guiding and correcting, much like God’s love for us. It’s about treating others with the same grace and understanding we have been shown.

The Bottom Line: Mission Success

Mission success is not about checking boxes; it’s about growth in Jesus and helping others do the same. It’s about delighting more in Him each day and sharing that delight with the world. Anything less is just noise—ineffective and empty.

The Call to Action

You are called to be a disciple-maker. It’s not limited to the church leaders; it's a mantle for every single one of us. Our mission is to follow Jesus, know Him, and make Him known. That’s the life sentence we embrace with joy.

Remember, living out these values doesn’t end with a Sunday service. It’s about modeling Christ-like behavior in our daily lives, considering others' needs, and showing what it truly means to walk in His footsteps.

I challenge you to reflect on these values. If you're new, may you see them in us and soon, in yourself. If you've been with us, may you continue to uphold them. Together, let’s turn the vision of beauty into a living, breathing reality.


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