The Call to Share the Gospel
Many believe that church is merely a Sunday event, but it's so much more. The church is a movement of people transformed by Jesus Christ. It's about gathering in His name and experiencing His presence together. If you're new to faith or exploring Christianity, know that church is an invitation to witness the miraculous work of God in our lives. In the early church, there were two distinct groups: those who came to sit and those who went to tell. Newcomers were welcomed to sit and experience Jesus among His followers. However, the spread of the gospel depended on the latter group, those who actively shared their faith. If you know Jesus, your mission is to go and tell others about Him. Jesus' command to His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20, known as the Great Commission, is clear. We are to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey His commands. This mission isn't just for a select few; it's the calling of every believer.