Unearned Blessings: Embracing God's Ultimate Gift

Understanding Our Nature and God's Goodness

It's in our human nature to question, "Why would he do that? We're the good people." However, a deeper dive into God's word reveals a different truth: "There is none good. No, not one." This is crucial because if God reserved His blessings only for the good, then none would receive them. Understanding this helps us not to get surprised or upset when God blesses those we perceive as unrighteous. It's a reminder that our righteousness is like filthy rags before Him.

The Righteousness of Faith

What changes the equation is our faith in Jesus. Through Him, God's righteousness is imputed on us. This is not because of our inherent goodness, but because of the goodness of God that comes into our lives through faith. Therefore, it's important to realize two things:

1. All good gifts come from God.

2. Jesus is the ultimate good gift from God.

The Story of the Samaritan Woman

Consider the story of the woman at the well in John 4:7. This Samaritan woman's encounter with Jesus is a powerful example. Jesus offers her "living water", a metaphor for the eternal life and satisfaction found in Him. This story illustrates that what Jesus offers is not just physical sustenance but something much deeper – a fulfillment that quenches all thirst.

Jesus: The Living Water

The woman at the well represents many in the world today – seeking to quench their thirst with temporary solutions. Jesus presents Himself as the living water, the ultimate solution to our deepest needs and desires. This leads to the understanding that Jesus is not just a good gift; He is the best gift that God has ever given us.

The Challenge: Seeking True Satisfaction

Many people, including believers, often seek satisfaction in the things of this world. The challenge presented is to recognize Jesus as the true source of satisfaction – the living water that quenches all thirsts. It's about finding contentment and fulfillment in Him, rather than constantly seeking it elsewhere.

Gratitude for God's Gifts

As we approach Thanksgiving, we are encouraged to meditate on God's word and write a letter to God naming the good gifts He has given us. This exercise is not just about recognizing the apparent blessings but also finding gratitude in the unexpected and challenging aspects of life.

Conclusion: Embracing God's Goodness

In summary, the message is clear: God is good, and He gives all good gifts. His greatest gift to us is Jesus, and in Him, we find all that we need. As we go through this week, let us remember to seek satisfaction not in the temporary pleasures of the world but in the eternal and fulfilling presence of Jesus, our living water. 


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