Moyo Means Heart

    This journey I'm on isn't just about me; it's about hope, transformation, and the profound love of Jesus that transcends borders, cultures, and the deepest of despairs.

    You know, there's something about hope that's both exhilarating and humbling. Do you remember the first time you felt it? That unshakable assurance that, despite everything, there's a God holding you in His hands? I've seen firsthand what happens when that hope reaches the heart of someone who's never dared to hope before. It's nothing short of miraculous.

    My story, my husband's story, and indeed, the story of every soul we've encountered on this mission, is a testament to God's boundless grace. From Bolivia to Uganda, we've walked paths less traveled, and in every face, we've seen His reflection. From the dense jungles of Bolivia, where we first answered God's call, to the vibrant, yet challenging landscapes of Uganda, every step has been guided by His hand.

    I remember when Richard and I decided to leave everything behind. It was a leap of faith that many couldn't understand. Yet, in our hearts, we knew it was the path God had carved out for us. The journey hasn't been without its trials. Richard's passing before we ever set foot on the land that would become the Village of Eden in Uganda was a blow I wasn't prepared for. But even in the deepest sorrow, God's presence was undeniable. He brought alongside me a family in Christ that held me up, reminding me that we're never truly alone.

    At the Village of Eden, we've had the privilege of seeing God's love in action. Children, once abandoned and hopeless, now thrive in the knowledge that they are loved, valued, and destined for greatness in God's kingdom. It's a powerful reminder that our God is a God of restoration and redemption.

    Our mission goes beyond providing shelter, education, and medical care. It's about introducing Jesus to those who've never known Him, about healing not just the body, but the soul. We've seen warriors of faith rise from the unlikeliest of places, former victims of abuse and neglect now leading others to Christ. It's a beautiful cycle of transformation that only He could orchestrate.

    The challenges are many. From battling the darkness of witchcraft and despair in our communities to bridging cultural divides, every day is a testament to God's sustaining power. Yet, amid these challenges, the joy of witnessing a life transformed is unparalleled.

    As I share this journey with you, my hope is that it sparks a flame in your heart. A flame of compassion, of action, and of unwavering faith in a God who calls us to be His hands and feet. Whether it's through prayer, sponsorship, or simply sharing the love of Christ with those in your world, know that you're part of a bigger story—a story of hope, healing, and the relentless love of Jesus.

    Thank you for walking this path with us. For every prayer, every word of encouragement, and every act of kindness, know that you're making a difference. Together, we're witnessing the unfolding of God's glorious tapestry, a story of redemption that's as vast as the ocean and as personal as a single, transformed heart.

- Dr. Brenda Kowalske


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