What Makes America Beautiful? A Biblical Perspective

Citizens of Heaven First

Before diving into the historical context, it's crucial to establish some ground rules. First and foremost, I am a citizen of heaven. Anytime I encounter something in God's word that contradicts my beliefs or desires, I must agree that God is right, and I am not. Lastly, if I want to understand the foundation of our nation, I should look at the original intent of its founders.

The Constitution: A Foundation of Freedom

The preamble of the Constitution sets the stage for understanding America's foundation. It begins with "We the People," emphasizing that the nation was created for and by the people. The primary reason for founding America was freedom—freedom to make choices without government coercion. This aligns with the biblical principle of free will, where God allows us to make our own choices.

The Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776, further elaborates on the reasons for America's founding. It states that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These principles resonate with biblical teachings that emphasize the value and equality of all human beings.

America's Current State: A Call for Reflection

While America was founded on principles that honor God, the current state of the nation shows a departure from these values. The sermon highlighted that the real issue is not whether America was founded as a Christian nation but whether the hearts of its people are turned towards God. The increasing wickedness and moral decline are symptoms of a deeper spiritual problem.

Biblical Guidance for Today's Christians

1 Peter 2:11-17 and Romans 13:1-7 provide clear instructions on how Christians should respond to authority and live in a morally declining society. We are urged to live such good lives among the pagans that they may see our good deeds and glorify God. We are also called to submit to governing authorities, as they are established by God.

Life Application

Living Out Our Faith in a Troubled Nation

As a follower of Jesus, my primary allegiance is to God, not to any nation. While I should be patriotic and grateful for the freedoms I enjoy, my ultimate hope and trust should be in God. Here are some practical steps to apply this week's message:

  1. Know Where Your Hope and Allegiance Belong: Ensure that my hope is in God and not in the future of this country. My allegiance should be to Christ above all else.

  2. Pray for Our Nation: Pray for the people who make up and lead our country, that they would seek God's ways and plans.

  3. Be a Light for Jesus: Choose to be a light for Jesus more than an American with an axe to grind. Live in such a way that others see Christ in me.

  4. Live Out 1 Peter 2:12: Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse me of wrongdoing, they may see my good deeds and glorify God.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Is my hope and allegiance improperly placed in the future of this country rather than in God?

  2. How can I pray more effectively for the people who make up and lead our nation?

  3. Am I living as a light for Jesus, or am I more focused on political and social issues?

  4. How can I live out 1 Peter 2:12 in my daily life?


America is beautiful because it was founded on principles that honor God and serve people. However, my ultimate hope and trust should be in God, not in any nation. By living out my faith and being a light for Jesus, I can make a meaningful impact on our country and the world. Let's commit to these actions this week and trust God to bring about the change we desire.


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