Could Today Be the Day?

    As parents, we know the difference between a child's genuine gratitude and a manipulative "I love you" aimed at getting something. Similarly, God delights in our sincere worship, not just our requests. True worship is about loving God for who He is, not just for what He can give us.

    Whether you've had a great or challenging week, spending time in God's presence can transform your outlook. Just a few moments with Him can change everything, reminding us that only God has the power to bring true peace and joy.

    In Matthew 24:29-31, Jesus describes the signs that will precede His return. The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky. These events will be followed by the appearance of the Son of Man, coming with power and great glory.

    As we know, summer is near, and when the leaves of the fig tree come out, we can recognize the signs of Christ's return. Jesus emphasizes that no one knows the exact day or hour, not even the angels or the Son—only the Father knows (Matthew 24:36).

    Jesus compares His return to the days of Noah. People were eating, drinking, and marrying right up until the flood came and took them all away. They were unprepared, despite Noah's warnings. Similarly, many will be caught off guard when Jesus returns (Matthew 24:37-39).

    In Matthew 24:45-51, Jesus tells a parable about a servant who is faithful and wise, doing his master's work even when the master is away. When the master returns unexpectedly, the faithful servant is rewarded. In contrast, the wicked servant, who abuses his position, is punished severely.

    Matthew 25:1-13 tells the story of ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. Five were wise and brought extra oil for their lamps, while the other five were foolish and unprepared. When the bridegroom arrived, only the prepared virgins were welcomed into the wedding banquet. The door was shut on the unprepared, symbolizing the finality of being unready for Christ's return.

    In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus shares the parable of the bags of gold. A master entrusts his servants with different amounts of gold before going on a journey. The servants who invest and multiply their gold are rewarded, while the one who hides his gold out of fear is punished. The lesson is clear: we must be faithful to what God has given us, using our talents and resources for His glory.

    If Jesus were to return today, are you ready? Have you placed your trust in Him for your salvation? Being ready means acknowledging our need for a Savior and living in a way that reflects our faith.

    Living ready means being faithful in our daily walk with Christ. Are you living in a way that you would be proud of if Jesus returned today? Are you actively doing the work of a disciple, sharing God's love and truth with others?

Questions for Reflection

1. Am I genuinely worshiping God, or am I just asking for things?

2. How can I spend more time in God's presence this week?

3. What signs of Christ's return do I see in the world today?

4. Am I living in a way that reflects readiness for Jesus' return?

5. How can I be more faithful with the talents and resources God has given me?

    The return of Christ is certain and will be sudden. We don't know the day or the hour, but we are called to be watchful and faithful. This week, let's challenge ourselves to live in readiness, faithfully using our gifts and resources for God's glory. Could today be the day? Let's live as if it could be.

    By reflecting on these questions and applying these lessons, we can live a life that honors God and prepares us for the day when Jesus returns. Let's be a church that is ready, watchful, and faithful, no matter when that day comes.



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